Monday, June 4, 2007

Renaming Bush Street Survey Book


Images with Survey

Comments from Passersby

Survey Revisions and Consequent Observations

Images and Survey

A Survey conceived by Amber Hasselbring and Jerome Grand about the renaming of Bush Street in San Francisco because of its perceived reference to President George Bush. This book is a compilation of images and the filled out surveys from passersby along Bush Street.

24 hour 150 page book design.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sharpie Drawing

Just experimenting with shapie markers.
A self portrait, in red and blue.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Scriptie Ontwerp


Dit zijn een paar spreads van mijn scriptie-ontwerp. De
eerste spraed is de omslag. Die bestaat uit dunne lijnen.
Als je die kopiëert valt de tekst weg omdat het allemaal
even grijs wordt. Zo zijn ook de andere grijze pagina's,
steeds aan het begin van een hoofdstuk. De roze typografie
wordt gezeefdrukt in fluor roze wat ook weg valt als je
het kopiëert. De laatste afbeelding was een test. Ik heb
die gezeefdrukt in drie kleuren, de beelden in mijn ont-
werp zullen er zo uit gaan zien.


These are a few spreads from my thesis about appropriation and copying in the art and design world. The first spread above is the cover, designed with very thin lines which when copied just turn the page completely grey. Each chapter begins with a page of anti-copy design. The pink typography will be silkscreened in flourescent pink which is a color photocopy machines can not read, and will disappear when copied. The image is just a test, made by silkscreening three colors.

Final stages of production.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Short Korte Film

For the Dutch series of art in the Berkshires, MASS MoCA will be hosting a short film "festival." Because the length of the films is such a factor, I show an image from each film at its corresponding length, creating the abstract image above. The Dutch translation of the word Short is Korte, and because of the similar meaning and spelling a developed letters which would splice together and retain their original forms.

Not final yet.

Schetsen onderzoeksopdracht (1)

Schetsen onderzoeksopdracht (2)

Ik denk dat grafisch ontwerpen in de toekomst
zich verder
gaat ontwikkelen dan zoals het
vakgebied nu is. Grafisch
ontwerpen zal zich
samen met de samenleving en de technologie

moeten ontwikkelen. Grafisch ontwerpen zal

niet meer alleen
een affiche of boek maken
zijn, maar meer zal inspelen op de ervaring
van de toeschouwer. Daarom ben ik op zoek naar
andere vormen voor grafisch ontwerpen zonder
dat het digitaal wordt.

In de schetsen hierboven heb ik citaten gebruikt van
ontwerpers die een uitspraak doen over de toekomst
van grafisch ontwerpen. Ik probeer met deze citaten
in combinatie met de vorm in de ruimte een spanning
te creëren. De eerste schetsen dus...

I think that graphic design will further develop
its relationship with technology in the future.
Design will no longer be just a poster, or book,
etc., but will pertain more to the experience of
the viewer. Therefore, I am investigating new
forms of design, other than in the digital world.

In the sketches above, I have used quotations
from designers who have something to say about
the future of design. In the combination of form
and space, I attempt to create a visual energy.

Just the first sketches...


Thursday, April 26, 2007

ArtEZ Study Guides

These are some various layout sketches for school study guides. Drop shadow A4's may have to be changed due to similarities to another design. We'll see. The whole design is inspired by default forms and office style design. All pages are loose A4's bound with a metal clip in an empty folder.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Peter Garfield Final

My Final Poster, which marketing found not legible enough.

Final Poster, The Compromise

Peter seemed to really like the final poster which was really nice. When I saw the film for the first time at the presentation I couldn't believe how well the poster fit as far as metaphor and meaning. Never having seen the film, Deep Space One, before I was quite interested in the comparison.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

NL Opening Party

There is an Opening Party for the Dutch artists coming to MASS MoCA this summer. I had an idea for a poster for it. Just goofing off a little.

Ulrike Quade

The dancer and choreographer Ulrike Quade is giving a new performance at MASS MoCA. The theme is quite complicated—a group of individuals are trapped in a basement, but they are not trapped and are actually the notes being played by a live musician. This is a first trial of a first idea. A somewhat cliche metaphor for the situation.

Still working on it...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New dummy > Moulageboek (book about draping)

New dummy > Moulageboek (book about draping)

These are new sketches for the 'draping book'. We don't know
yet what the title will be. We defined our design for our first
presentation for the client this week.
Fortunately they really
liked it. We also heard this
week that the book will be published
in Dutch and English
and will not only be selled in the Netherlands.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Hipmotism Final

Final Poster

I just slipped these slashes in as a place holder for the saxophones, but I liked it.
Marketing decided to change the emphasis of the poster to the fact that it was a Dance Party. I decided to stay with the letters which I had photographed while they were spinning though the text changed from Hipmotism to Dance Party.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Boxed Sets

Kidspace in MASS MoCA is having a show called
Boxed Sets where 3 different artists all show work having to do with boxes. I decided to try and select an image which acted as a metaphor for all of the artists incorporating qualities which their pieces had. The blue bowl I selected has glass qualities like highlights found in one artist's stained glass work, and the other artists collects items such as sand dollars and balloon 'belly button' ends, which are echo in the round center shape of the bowl.

The black and white images are sketches, experimenting with different forms and what happens to those forms when you take a 2d foto and make it into a 3d box.

The poster/pamphlet shows the whole bowl with the box pattern layed
over it and a pixel-like font I came up with for the show. The pamphlet information will be printed on the back of the poster. The postcard for the show, shows the boxes I made from the pattern on the poster.

Still working on it...